Monday, September 24, 2007

Super Cooper

Apparently I upset the apple cart of a few Anderson Cooper fans who
feel that I am somewhat unfair to CNN's golden boy. Perhaps there is
somewhat of a point to be made in the belief that Anderson is just a puppet
of the brain-sucking Trotskytes at CNN, and this is what is holding the
intrepid journalist from covering the real issues that he claims to champion
as though he were Christ off the cross.

Anderson was quick to point out the failures of the Bush Administration,
FEMA, the state of Louisiana, and Mayor Ray Nagen in his Katrina "Keeping
Them Honest" retrospective, but he certainly neglected to hold himself to
the same standard.

During the turbulent days after Katrina hit, Cooper caused no end
of hysteria and sensationalism by making the following claims;

A-Cooper claimed that there were "bands of rapists going block to block"

B-That snipers were shooting at rescue crews.

C-There were "10,000 dead", and "even little babies are being raped"

D- That "Gangs of Rapists were trolling the Superdome", and "bodies
were stacked like cord wood"

These are just a few of the exaggerations, and flat out lies that Cooper
told during the Katrina debacle. ABC alone had over 200 journalists
in the Superdome, and the stories of a Mad Max, post-apocalyptic, hell zone
were completely false.

So did Mr. Cooper address the media's disastrous reporting? Where was
CNN's accountability, and honesty that Anderson purports to uphold?

It seems it was forgotten as Cooper and company engaged in hour after
hour of nauseating back slapping, and self-congratulating.

Anderson Cooper certainly isn't the only one guilty of Katrina mania,
but he seems to stand alone in pompous self absorption, packaged
as objective journalism.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and this is what is holding the
intrepid journalist from covering the real issues that he claims to champion
as though he were Christ off the cross.

So, Anderson doesn't cover REAL issues? You obviously weren't watching when Anderson spent a week in Iraq recently.

If you don't like him, fine, but calling him pompous and self-absorbed is laughable to viewers who've watched him over the years who know otherwise.